2009年9月21日 星期一

Google Chart API

Google所提供的一套API http://code.google.com/apis/chart/ 使用方式直接在網址後面接參數
Dim strLink As String = "http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?"
Dim strCht As String = "cht=lxy"
Dim strChs As String = "&chs=300x200"
Dim strChd As String = "&chd=t:" & "0,30,60,70,90,95,100" & "|" & Session("ds_temp")
Dim strChxt As String = "&chxt=x&chxl=0:|0|10|20|30|40|50|"
Response.Redirect(strLink & strCht & strChs & strChd & strChxt)

cht -- Chart type
chs -- Chart sizte
chd -- Chart data
chl -- Chart Label
chxt -- top x-axis
chxl -- the pipe character (|) is not required after the last parameter.

